Evolution and functional divergence of the ERBB receptor family
Wu, SS; Haltom, J; Zhao, WY; Yang, JW; Zhou, Z; Gu, X
Zhou, Z (corresponding author), Zhejiang Univ, Coll Pharmaceut Sci, Inst Drug Metab & Pharmaceut Anal, Hangzhou 310058, Peoples R China.; Zhou, Z (corresponding author), Zhejiang Univ, Coll Pharmaceut Sci, Zhejiang Prov Key Lab Anticanc Drug Res, Hangzhou 310058, Peoples R China.; Gu, X (corresponding author), Iowa State Univ, Dept Genet Dev & Cell Biol, Ames, IA 50011 USA.; Zhou, Z (corresponding author), Zhejiang Univ, Innovat Inst Artificial Intelligence Med, Hangzhou 310018, Peoples R China.
PHARMACOGENOMICS, 2021; 22 (8): 473