Ectopic positioning of the cell division plane is associated with single amino acid substitutions in the FtsZ-recruiting SsgB in Streptomyces
Xiao, XS; Willemse, J; Voskamp, P; Li, XM; Prota, AE; Lamers, M; Pannu, N; Abrahams, JP; van Wezel, GP
Abrahams, JP; van Wezel, GP (corresponding author), Leiden Univ, Mol Biotechnol, POB 9505, NL-2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands.; Abrahams, JP (corresponding author), Paul Scherrer Inst, CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland.; Abrahams, JP (corresponding author), Univ Basel, Biozentrum, Mattenstr 26, CH-4058 Basel, Switzerland.
OPEN BIOLOGY, 2021; 11 (2):