One earth
出版年份:暂无数据 年文章数:241 投稿命中率: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看
出版周期:暂无数据 自引率:暂无数据 审稿周期: 开通期刊会员,数据随心看
审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0偏重的研究方向:干细胞;再生医学;医学综合经验分享:Cell的子刊,定位于Cell, Chem, Joule这个级别,未来可期!!接收领域很广,定位于转化医学,不象Cell太过生命科学(基础),也不象Lancet这一类过于临床,Med应该是二者之间,转化医学层面,虽然类似期刊竞争很激烈,但是大树下好乘凉,不要错过这个未来潜力股下面都是收稿范围:✚ Aging and health-span interventions – sarcopenia; senescence and senolytic treatments; dietary interventions; hormonal disorders✚ Biomedical engineering – new device optimization and diagnostic tools✚ Cancer – immuno-oncology; tumor evolution and cancer genetics; surgery and therapeutic modalities✚ Cardiovascular and metabolic disease – heart disease; diabetes; obesity; NAFLD/NASH✚ Genetics and cell-based therapies – medical genomics; CRISPR-based; RNAi; stem cells; organoids; transplantation✚ Health economics and public policy – global challenges; health access; public health interventions; clinical practices✚ Human microbiome – mechanistic studies of the human microbiome’s impact on disease✚ Immunology – allergy and inflammation; autoimmunity; innate immunity; graft-versus host disease; vaccinology✚ Infectious diseases – HIV/AIDS; SARS; ebola; other bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic infections; infectious diseases epidemiology; antimicrobials and resistance✚ Neurology – Alzheimer’s disease; dementia; cognitive dysfunctions; brain-vascular dysfunction; Parkinson’s and movement disorders; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; depression; neuroengineering therapies
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* 我的经验分享
审稿速度:1.0 | 投稿命中率:75.0
经验分享:Cell的子刊,定位于Cell, Chem, Joule这个级别,未来可期!!
✚ Aging and health-span interventions – sarcopenia; senescence and senolytic treatments; dietary interventions; hormonal disorders
✚ Biomedical engineering – new device optimization and diagnostic tools
✚ Cancer – immuno-oncology; tumor evolution and cancer genetics; surgery and therapeutic modalities
✚ Cardiovascular and metabolic disease – heart disease; diabetes; obesity; NAFLD/NASH
✚ Genetics and cell-based therapies – medical genomics; CRISPR-based; RNAi; stem cells; organoids; transplantation
✚ Health economics and public policy – global challenges; health access; public health interventions; clinical practices
✚ Human microbiome – mechanistic studies of the human microbiome’s impact on disease
✚ Immunology – allergy and inflammation; autoimmunity; innate immunity; graft-versus host disease; vaccinology
✚ Infectious diseases – HIV/AIDS; SARS; ebola; other bacterial, viral, fungal, or parasitic infections; infectious diseases epidemiology; antimicrobials and resistance
✚ Neurology – Alzheimer’s disease; dementia; cognitive dysfunctions; brain-vascular dysfunction; Parkinson’s and movement disorders; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; depression; neuroengineering therapies